
Trespassers is a complex love story where feelings exude through the exuberance of a garden, under the clear-sightedness of an ancient oak tree.




- Evidently, you will do as you wish, Viti won’t you?
Silently, they enter the inner courtyard through the Priest House garden. Vita leans against the wall, her eyes drawn to the tower:
- Can you see, Hadji, how the tower stands in the very heart of Kent? Here is a marriage of culture and nature like nowhere else.

First Oak assumes that it is the tower which prompted Vita to acquire Saxingherste. She saw herself as the compelling centre, within the remains, vestige of the magnificence of the past, promise of impending conquests.
Vita is that tower. It will be her writing haven, her lover’s room. She will assume the rightful place that she should have been allotted and was deprived of. She will be seen.