KINESHUNGA de "Kine" mouvement et "shunga" estampes érotiques japonaises.

Quand certains chefs-d’œuvre de grands maîtres japonais du 17è au 19è siècle sont mis en mouvement ; le sexe et l'humour font parfois bon ménage.

Lumolo's Treasures

Lumolo receives a souvenir from each of his friends but they all won't fit in his backpack. Not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings, Lumolo decides not to take any gifts. The friends find a solution so Lumolo can enjoy all his mementos.

Paint the Banni

Banni paints Momolu a picture of all their friends but doesn't include herself. Working together, the friends try and add Banni to the painting. They learn about shapes and colours but in the end it's Momolu that gets a big surprise.

Gift in a Bottle

Huhu and Banni want to make a surprise gift for Momolu's birthday, but Momolu guesses all of their ideas. With help from Kimu and Hiko they think outside the box and make him a unique gift using recycled materials.

Piece of Cake

Kimu dreams of a huge cake and invites his friends to help turn the dream into reality. They all learn that sometimes there can be too much of a good thing, and that you should not judge something by its looks alone.


À la demande de son père, Coline retourne dans sa chambre d’enfant pour faire le tri dans ses affaires.

Les différents objets qu’elle y trouve la plongent dans les souvenirs de son enfance. Parmi eux se détachent ceux qui l’ont marquée jusqu’à aujourd’hui.